Revanesse® Versa™

In aesthetic enhancement, the perfect filler needs to blend seamlessly, enhance naturally, and last impressively.

Welcome to Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics, where we’re proud to introduce Revanesse® Versa™, a cutting-edge filler that promises to elevate your beauty journey.
Read here if you’re intrigued by the potential of a more youthful, radiant appearance with minimal downtime. Discover Revanesse® Versa™ and how it can illuminate your natural beauty.

What is Revanesse® Versa™?

Revanesse® Versa™ is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler designed to soften and correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

Known for its high-quality formula and precision, Versa™ offers a balance of durability and adaptability, providing natural-looking results that celebrate your individuality.

Its unique properties allow for smoother integration with your skin for a more even and refined appearance.

Advantages of
Revanesse® Versa™ Treatment

Revanesse® Versa™ stands out in the world of fillers for several reasons:
Precision and Uniformity

Versa’s spherical particle shape allows for smoother injections and more uniform results, enhancing your natural contours with precision.


Enjoy the lasting effects of Versa™, which has been shown to sustain its appearance over time, ensuring you enjoy your refreshed look longer.

Reduced Swelling

Clinical studies have shown that patients treated with Versa™ experience less swelling compared to other fillers, making the recovery process easier and more comfortable.


Whether it’s smoothing out laugh lines, enhancing lip volume, or restoring facial symmetry, Versa™ is adaptable to various cosmetic needs.

What to Expect During the Procedure

At Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics, your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. During your Revanesse® Versa™ treatment, our skilled providers will carefully map out the areas to be enhanced, ensuring a result that’s both beautiful and balanced.

The injection process is quick, typically taking less than an hour. While some discomfort is possible, Versa™ contains lidocaine to help minimize pain, and additional numbing agents can be used to ensure a comfortable experience.

Aftercare Tips
To maximize the results and minimize the recovery time of your Revanesse® Versa™ treatment, consider these aftercare tips:
Avoid Strenuous Activity

Take it easy for the first 24 to 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising.

Stay Cool

Skip the sauna or hot yoga for a couple of days post-treatment to prevent additional swelling.

Sun Protection

Protect the treated areas from excessive sun exposure to maintain the longevity of your results.

Gentle Skincare

 Avoid aggressive scrubbing or exfoliation near the injection sites for a few days.

Ideal Candidates for
Revanesse® Versa™

Revanesse® Versa™ is ideal for individuals seeking to address signs of aging like wrinkles and lost volume or enhance features such as lips and cheeks.

Ideal candidates are generally in good health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and are looking for a treatment that offers natural-looking, long-lasting results.

Are you ready to explore the transformative potential of Revanesse® Versa™?

Let us help you step into a new era of refined beauty and confidence.

Contact Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics in San Dimas, CA, today!

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