
Imagine a world where the whispers of time are gently smoothed away, not erased, leaving a canvas that reflects your life's journey with a touch of refined grace.

Welcome to Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics, where this vision becomes your reality.
We’re proud to offer Restylane®, a treatment that doesn’t just transform—it transcends. If you’re ready to embrace an aesthetic experience that harmonizes with your individuality, keep reading. Learn more about Restylane® and discover how it can illuminate your path to natural, enduring beauty.

What is Restylane®?

Restylane® is a family of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, each tailored to meet specific needs from smoothing wrinkles to enhancing facial contours and sculpting lips.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps retain moisture and adds volume. Restylane® works by temporarily adding volume to the treated area, smoothing out signs of aging, and enhancing your natural features with a soft, natural feel.

Advantages of Restylane® Treatment

Restylane® offers several compelling benefits for those seeking aesthetic enhancement:

Natural-Looking Results

Restylane® fillers are designed to mimic the body’s own hyaluronic acid, resulting in enhancements that look and feel natural.


With a range of formulations, Restylane® can address everything from fine lines around the mouth to loss of volume in the cheeks and lip enhancement.

Immediate Improvement

Enjoy visible results immediately after the treatment, with continued improvement as any swelling subsides.

Long-Lasting Effects

Depending on the specific Restylane® product used and the area treated, results can last from 6 months to over a year.

Proven Safety Record

Restylane® has been used worldwide for years and has a well-established safety profile when administered by a qualified professional.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Your Restylane® treatment at Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics begins with a detailed consultation to understand your goals and determine the best approach for your needs.

During the procedure, our skilled providers will carefully inject Restylane® into the targeted areas. The process is relatively quick, usually taking less than an hour.

While some discomfort is possible, Restylane® products often contain lidocaine to help minimize pain, and additional numbing agents can be used to ensure a comfortable experience.

Aftercare Tips

To ensure the best possible results and a smooth recovery, consider these aftercare tips:

Avoid Strenuous Activity
Take it easy for the first 24 to 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising.
Stay Cool
Avoid excessive heat and sun exposure for a few days post-treatment to prevent additional swelling.
Gentle Touch

Be gentle with your skin and avoid rubbing or massaging the treated areas for a few days.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping hydrated helps maintain the effects of the hyaluronic acid filler.

Ideal Candidates for Restylane®

Restylane® is ideal for individuals looking to address signs of aging like wrinkles and lost volume or enhance features such as lips and cheeks.

Ideal candidates are generally in good health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and are looking for a treatment that offers subtle yet effective enhancements.

At Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics in San Dimas, CA, we're passionate about helping you achieve a look that's both rejuvenated and unmistakably yours.

What are you waiting for? Call us now to book your appointment!

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