PDO Threads

The desire for a lifted, youthful appearance is as timeless as the stars. Yet, the march of time can leave its mark, etching lines and loosening skin in ways that don't reflect the vitality we feel inside.

At Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics, we believe in solutions that address these signs of aging and do so with grace and subtlety.Enter PDO Threads, a revolutionary treatment designed to gently lift and rejuvenate your skin.
If you’re ready to elevate your appearance with a touch of elegance, scroll deeper to unravel the beauty of PDO Threads and how they can redefine your contours.

What are PDO Threads?

PDO Threads are a minimally invasive cosmetic enhancement that uses biodegradable polyester sutures to lift and tighten sagging skin. Standing for Polydioxanone, these threads are safely absorbed by your body over time, but not before they work their magic.

When strategically placed under the skin, they act as a scaffold, providing immediate lift while encouraging collagen production for long-term rejuvenation. The result is a more defined, youthful appearance, with effects that improve over time.

PDO Threads are a testament to the art of subtle enhancement, offering a natural lift without the need for surgery.

Advantages of PDO Threads

Choosing PDO Threads at Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics means embracing various benefits that extend beyond the visible lift.

Here’s how PDO Threads can enhance your journey to a more youthful you:

Immediate and Progressive Results

Enjoy an instant lift after the procedure, with continued improvements as your body produces new collagen.

Minimal Downtime

Compared to traditional facelifts, PDO Threads require minimal recovery time, which allows you to return to your daily life with a new sense of confidence.

Natural-Looking Enhancement.

PDO Threads provide a subtle yet effective lift that also makes sure the results look natural and true to your inherent beauty.


Whether it’s jowls, brows, or neck, PDO Threads can be used in various areas to address specific concerns.

Aftercare Tips

To ensure the best results from your PDO Thread treatment and a smooth recovery, consider these tailored aftercare tips:


Minimize facial movements for a few days post-treatment to allow the threads to settle.


Be gentle when washing and touching your face, avoiding rigorous scrubbing or heavy creams for the first week.


Try to sleep on your back to avoid putting pressure on the treated areas.


Avoid strenuous activities and excessive heat, such as saunas or intense workouts, for the first few days.

Ideal Candidates for PDO Threads

PDO Threads are ideal for individuals experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity who are looking for a non-surgical solution to achieve a more lifted, firm appearance.

They are particularly beneficial for those seeking immediate results with minimal downtime. 

While PDO Threads offer significant benefits, a consultation at Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics in San Dimas, CA, will ensure they align with your specific aesthetic goals and skin condition.

Contact us today if you’re ready to experience the artful lift of PDO Threads and embrace a more youthful, contoured appearance!

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