Glass Micro Tox Facials

In the quest for flawless, radiant skin, the total experience is as important as the destination.

At Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics, we understand that your skin is not just a canvas but a reflection of your inner health and beauty.

That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce Glass Micro Tox Facials, a revolutionary treatment designed to transform your skin into a smooth, luminous, glass-like surface.

If you’re ready to elevate your skincare routine and reveal a more radiant, youthful you, keep reading to explore the transformative power of Glass Micro Tox Facials.

What are Glass Micro Tox Facials?

Glass Micro Tox Facials, also known as Skin Botox, are a cutting-edge aesthetic treatment that combines the power of micro-needling with the rejuvenating effects of neurotoxins, fillers, vitamins, or PRP.

This innovative procedure involves using a device equipped with tiny needles to create microchannels in the skin. As these channels are formed, a bespoke cocktail of skin-enhancing substances is delivered directly into the dermal layer.

This not only promotes the absorption of nutrients but also stimulates your skin’s natural healing process, resulting in a tighter, smoother, and more radiant complexion

Advantages of Glass Micro Tox Facials

Embracing Glass Micro Tox Facials at Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics has numerous benefits that go beyond the surface.

Here’s how this luxurious treatment can enhance your skincare journey:

Instant Radiance

Achieve that coveted glass-skin effect with a noticeable glow and smoothness immediately after the treatment.

Fine Line Reduction

The micro-needling and neurotoxin combination effectively softens fine lines and wrinkles, which promotes a more youthful appearance.

Enhanced Skin Texture

 Improve the overall texture of your skin as it appears more even, firm, and supple.

Customized Treatment

Each facial is tailored to your specific skin needs to ensure the most effective and personalized experience.

Aftercare Tips

To maximize the benefits of your Glass Micro Tox Facial and ensure a smooth, glowing recovery, consider these tailored aftercare tips:


Protect your newly treated skin from the sun to prevent damage and maintain the treatment’s effects.


Use mild, non-irritating skincare products post-treatment to avoid any potential irritation and enhance the healing process.


Keep your skin and body well-hydrated to support the healing process and maintain the treatment’s hydrating effects.


Allow your skin to naturally heal and regenerate. The full benefits of the treatment will emerge over the following days and weeks.

Ideal Candidates for
Glass Micro Tox Facials

Glass Micro Tox Facials are ideal for individuals seeking a non-invasive solution to achieve a radiant, smooth, and youthful complexion. They are particularly effective for those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, improve skin texture, and achieve an overall glow.

While this treatment offers significant benefits, a consultation at Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics will ensure it aligns with your specific skin type, concerns, and aesthetic goals.

At Lunabella Beauty Skin Aesthetics in San Dimas, CA, we're committed to providing you with the most advanced and effective treatments to enhance your natural beauty. Glass Micro Tox Facials offers luxurious, transformative solutions that deliver real, lasting results.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey to porcelain perfection and unveil a more radiant, youthful you, contact us today!

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